Youth scavenger hunt at FDR State Park
The youth participated in a scavenger hunt with cameras at FDR State Park on November 2nd as part of our church wide camp out at the park and hosting the worship service on Sunday morning....
First service in the new youth room
The youth celebrated the new youth room Wednesday night. The room is equipped with a stage, sound system, large gathering room, ping pong table, mini soccer ball table and a relaxing hang out area. We are so grateful to the Lord and the generous support of so many for making this possible as we disciple youth in Christ!...
Youth experience local summer missions opportunites
The Mountain Hill Youth worked at Mt. Zion Baptist Church restoring their playground as a local summer mission project. The week was full of ministry, bible study and a fun time being together!
[caption id="attachment_392" align="alignnone" width="300"] The youth ministered a church in the area restoring their playground[/caption]
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